Author: Anita Harris

Fulton Commissioner Natalie Hall Earns County Commissioner Certification

Through a great partnership between the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) and The Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia, Commissioner Natalie Hall received her Certified County Commissioner Certification at the 2019 ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy Leadership Luncheon in Savannah, GA. She completed nine (9) core classes which included County Government 101, County Government Law, County Government Finance, Ethics, Economic Development, Human Resources, Public Safety, and Public Health, Property Appraisal and Taxation and Leadership Institute.

Commissioner Hall was elected to her position in 2017. She introduced legislation, which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners in 2018, for other county officials to complete the same coursework. “County Commissioners consider a vast array of complex policy matters,” said Commissioner Hall. “The more I know, the more I can do for my constituents.”

Natalie Hall is Fulton County Commissioner of District 4, which encompasses the heart of Atlanta, downtown, Midtown, Old 4th Ward, and neighborhoods west of downtown Atlanta to Fulton Industrial Boulevard. The unique attribute about this district is that it’s completely inside of the City of Atlanta. Since joining the Board of Commissioners in 2017, Commissioner Hall has focused on testing, treatment, and education for HIV/AIDS, workforce training and employment opportunities, affordable housing, mental and behavioral health, seniors, youth, and civic engagement.

Commissioner Hall is a member of the following policy committees through the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG): Revenue and Finance, Economic Development and Transportation, and Federal.

Commissioner Hall is also a member of the Fulton County Board of the Health, the Atlanta Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) Governing Council, and has been appointed to a number of NACo boards and committees such as the Healthy Counties Initiative Advisory Board, Information Technology Standing Committee, Resilient Counties Advisory Board and the Large Urban Caucus Steering Committee.

Commissioner Natalie Hall’s Conference for Graduating Male Seniors Ends with an Air of Optimism

Empowering Young Men to Excel features candid discussions and strategies for success

The Empowering Young Men to Excel Youth Conference sponsored by Commissioner Natalie Hall, District 4, ended on a celebratory note as Commissioner Hall applauded the productive day with the young men who attended the conference, all of whom are graduating high school seniors.

The one-day conference encouraged the group of young men to excel academically and professionally through compelling, encouraging conversation and productive strategies. Keynote speaker, Thomas W. Dortch, Jr., Chairman of the Board for 100 Black Men of America, shared his life experiences as well as expertise on personal growth and the key to true success. The lunchtime panel discussion also featured a candid discussion with industry professionals who turned challenges and difficult choices into roadmaps for success.

The presenters included:

• Terry LeCount, Retired National Football League (NFL) player of the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings and current Quality Assurance Lead at the Chick-Fil-A College Football Hall of Fame
• Calvin A. Brock, Jr., Chief Administrative Officer,
the Office Fulton County Commissioner Natalie Hall, District 4
• Rafielle Kirkland, Entrepreneur, I Keep it Classic Music Group
• James Williams, Talent Acquisition Partner, Sage
• Henry Mamulu, Cofounder and Chief Operating Officer of agriculture based company AHPEGS, Inc.
• Darius Brown, Speaker, and Author of Forgive Me Success Life Guide 101

The conference workshops included:

• Respecting Women – DeKalb County Super District 7 Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson, Retired Lieutenant Colonel William H. Johnson III and Anita Hall, Director of Legislative and Community Affairs, the Office Fulton County Commissioner Natalie Hall, District 4
• Developing The Leader Within – Terry LeCount, Retired National Football League (NFL) player of the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings and current Quality Assurance Lead at the Chick-Fil-A College Football Hall of Fame
• My Finances Are My Future – Rashedia Mayhane, Southeast Regional Vice President, Operation HOPE, Inc.
• How To Interact With The Law – Samuel Washington, Juvenile Probation Officer, Fulton County Juvenile Court (FCJC)

Commissioner Hall planned the conference the encourage young men to consider strategies for ensuring successful futures through healthy lifestyles, marketable skills, well-balanced relationships, and successful careers.

For more information about the conference, contact the office of Commissioner Hall at 404-612-8226.

Fulton Commissioner Natalie Hall Named 2019 Woman of Distinction in Public Service

Fulton County District 4 Commissioner Natalie Hall has been named by Women of Distinction, Inc. (WOD) as the 2019 Public Service Honoree of the Year.

Commissioner Hall will be recognized in the Public Service category at the 11th Annual Empowerment Luncheon, held on Sunday, June 23, 2019, at 103 West. This year’s event theme is “Activating the Magic Within.”

Women of Distinction is a non-profit organization of women who are catalysts for positive community social change. WOD members share the common interest of social change in the nature of social institutions, social behavior, social relations of a society, and community of people. Members span from a wide variety of professions including entrepreneurs, corporate executives, attorneys, educators, media personalities and medical professionals.

“I am deeply honored to receive this recognition,” said Commissioner Hall. “Answering the call to public service is its own reward, so I am especially grateful when others take the time to recognize the work of elected officials.”

Natalie Hall is Fulton County Commissioner of District 4, which encompasses the heart of Atlanta, downtown, Midtown, Old 4th Ward, and neighborhoods west of downtown Atlanta to Fulton Industrial Boulevard. The unique attribute about this district is that it’s completely inside of the City of Atlanta. Since joining the Board of Commissioners in 2017, Commissioner Hall has focused on testing, treatment, and education for HIV/AIDS, workforce training and employment opportunities, affordable housing, mental and behavioral health, seniors, youth, and civic engagement.

Commissioner Hall is a member of the following policy committees through the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG): Revenue and Finance, Economic Development and Transportation, and Federal. Commissioner Hall is also a member of the Fulton County Board of the Health, the Atlanta Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) Governing Council, and has been appointed to a number of NACo boards and committees such as the Healthy Counties Initiative Advisory Board, Information Technology Standing Committee, Resilient Counties Advisory Board and the Large Urban Caucus Steering Committee.

See the Women of Distinction, Inc. 11th Annual Empowerment Luncheon, press release, here

Commissioner Hall to host Youth Conference for graduating male seniors

The Empowering Young Men To Excel Youth Conference is designed to promote unity and encouragement to continue to advance and excel academically and professionally.

Empowering Young Men To Excel is a 1-day experience for graduating young men which will include life-changing presentations and workshops; promoting their enrichment in healthy lifestyles, marketable skills, well-balanced relationships, and successful careers beyond their graduation. This endeavor is part of a greater effort by Fulton County agencies to prepare our young men for the challenges of the world. This effort is all about fostering opportunities to develop young men into successful citizens and become assets to their community.

The Empowering Young Men to Excel experience will include:

  • Keynote Speaker – Thomas W. Dortch Jr., Chairman of the Board for 100 Black Men of America
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Panel Discussions
  • Industry Exhibitors

Citizens University 2019 Registration Opens

Registration for Fulton County Citizens University 2019 begins February 19, 2019, and closes March 15, 2019. The 10 weeks of interactive training begin Thursday, April 11, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. and continues weekly each Thursday until graduation on June 28. The program teaches participants how County government operates, the services provided and how tax dollars are spent. County leaders provide first-hand information and conduct exercises designed to help class members understand the budgeting process and how the County makes decisions regarding services provided to the community.

The Fulton County Board of Commissioners initiated Citizens University in 2004 to strengthen the relationship between citizens and their government. The executive sponsor is Fulton County Commission Chairman Robb Pitts.

How can citizens benefit from participating in Citizens University? Knowledge is power, and citizen engagement is a direct link between County government and the community. By graduating from Citizens University, class members can return to their communities to inform friends and neighbors of how their County Government operates while promoting, strengthening and serving as advocates for positive community development.

The registration fee is 45 dollars, which helps cover the cost of course materials, a graduation ceremony, a diploma, and a class shirt. Class size is limited to 30 participants to ensure excellent one-on-one experiences and a quality-learning environment. Classes are held at various County facilities including the Government Center. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 15.

Classes are held every Thursday evening from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. To graduate, students are required to earn a minimum of 200 credits. They earn 20 credits for each class they attend for the entire session.

For more information, citizens can call 404-612-8300 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Citizens in need of reasonable accommodations due to a disability including communications in an alternative format should contact the Disability Liaison in the Department of External Affairs at (404) 612-8300. For Georgia Relay Access, dial 711. Body copy. One space after periods.

For more information, click here

Board of Commissioners Approves 2019 Budget

By a 4 to 3 vote, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners passed the 2019 fiscal year budget during their January 23 meeting.

“The budget adopted by the Board addresses many of the major issues affecting our citizens while maintaining our fund balance and lowering the millage rate,” said Chairman Robb Pitts. “This budget also includes approximately $13.5 million for employee pay for performance bonuses and a 3% mid-year cost of living increase.”

The $1.1 billion budget, including $719 million in the General Fund, includes a number of enhancements to key Fulton County programs.

These include funding in the following areas:

  • $4 million behavioral health services, including $620,000 for Grady Hospital to increase capacity at its Medication-Assisted Treatment Clinic for opioid addiction; and expansion of core behavioral health services.
  • $1.1 million for expansion of the Pre-Arrest Diversion Program;
  • $3.4 million for Senior Services, as well as $2 million for facility upgrades to senior centers.
  • $1.5 million for public health services, including enhanced resources for HIV/AIDS testing and treatment.
  • $2 million for youth programming in the Department of Community Services;
  • $1.3 million for arts programming, including $300,000 for the Johns Creek Arts Center, $250,000 for the National Black Arts Festival, increases to the Living Out Loud Senior Arts Initiative, and increases to the Contracts for Services Program
  • $5.7 million for the Justice Reinvestment Investment, in addition to $2 million to assist the Fulton County District Attorney and Solicitor General reduce caseloads in an effort to comply with the American Bar Association;
  • $420,000 for the Juvenile Court for a Youth Crime Prevention Program;
  • $250,000 for a feasibility study for an updated Fulton County Animal Shelter;
  • $1.3 million for security improvements, including equipment and personnel, as well as $1.0 million for Continuity of Operations and $600,000 for Emergency Management personnel and operations;
  • $600,000 for expansion of digital library materials;
  • $500,000 for facilities updates for the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office
  • $2.4 million for economic development and workforce development activities, including $1 million for workforce development at Fort MacPherson, expanded industry relations programs, film outreach and more;
  • $1.5 million for Cybersecurity updates and $4.1 million for updated computers, software, and hardware;
  • $3.2 million for continued updates in technology to support ongoing improvements to the property tax system.

The 2019 General Fund budget takes into consideration a projected reduction in the millage rate and a slight reallocation of resources across departments and agencies in order to provide resources to the priorities outlined by the Board.

FGTV’s Highlighted Story: 2019 Fulton County Budget Approved

Did your favorite county service or program get approved in the 2019 Fulton County Budget? Here’s the rundown in this FGTV story. 

Construction Ready is looking for Fulton residents

Construction Ready at Westside Works is a four-week, boot camp-style training program that helps place you into full-time, living wage career with construction companies throughout metro Atlanta. The program’s graduation and placement rates consistently exceed 95%. The retention rate at 90 days is 89% and retention rate at one year is 70%.

For more information on this program, click here

Commissioner Hall joins Mayor Keisha Bottoms, Arthur Blank, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for the unveiling of John F. Kennedy Park

Commissioner Hall joins NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, partners of #OneAtlanta, and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms for the official unveiling of the John F. Kennedy Park in her District 4 community. The NFL Foundation made a $1 million contribution for the renovated park, which cost a total of $2.4 million. Other contributors were the Atlanta Super Bowl Host Committee and the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation. Additional support was provided by Atlanta-based partners – the Chick-fil-A Foundation, Park Pride, Primerica, and WXIA. The John F. Kennedy Park is located adjacent to the Hollis Innovation Academy, and it is central to the Westside neighborhoods. The students now have a field for athletic, exercise and outdoor activities.  The renovated John F. Kennedy Park will give children an opportunity to spend “more time away from technology and more time outside,” Blank said, before adding it also would be good for adults to spend more time away from technology.

John F. Kennedy Park

Address: 225 James P. Brawley Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30314

Phone: (404) 215-2823



Arthur Blank on new Westside park: ‘It is a great moment for our city


City of Atlanta Announces New Warming Center Activation Protocol and Criteria

The city of Atlanta has integrated new warming centers for the upcoming winter temperatures. It is important that the new criteria considered has been released and reaches those in need.

“Effective immediately, the City of Atlanta will expedite resources and assistance to those seeking shelter from inclement weather,” said Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

City officials will be on a constant evaluation of capacities to provide the necessary services as the winter progresses.

Please see the shelter information and locations below:

Capacity at 40 degrees

Capacity at 35 degrees

Capacity at 32 degrees

Men – 30

Women – 10

Youth – 100

Families – 23

Total: 163 beds

Men – 125

Women – 64

Youth – 100

Families – 23

Total: 312 beds

Men – 225

Women – 100

Youth – 100

Families – 33

Total: 458 beds





Activation Criteria

Salvation Army 400 Luckie St NW, Atlanta, GA 30313 30 men, 10 women, and 3 families 40 degrees and below; 5 pm for referral and regular entry at 9 pm
Solomon’s Temple 2836 Springdale Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30315 20 families (women and children) 40 degrees and below, entry at 4 pm
Gateway Center / Evolution 275 Pryor St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 35 men and 10 women 35 degrees and below; entry at 7:30 pm
Atlanta Mission – The Shepard’s Inn 165 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313 50 men 35 degrees and below; entry at 8am-10am
Atlanta Mission – My Sister’s House 921 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 10 women 35 degrees and below; entry at 8:15 am
Trinity – Action Ministries 265 Washington St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 9 women 35 degrees and below; entry at 8 pm
City of Refuge 1300 Joseph E. Boone Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30314 5 women 35 degrees and below; entry at 4:30 pm
City Baptist Rescue Mission 316 Peters St SW, Atlanta, GA 30313 10 men 35 degrees and below; entry at 4:30 pm
Donna Center 866 Warner Street SW, Atlanta 30310 20 women 35 degrees and below; entry at 4 pm
Covenant House 1559 Johnson Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 100 youth ages 18-24 40 degrees and below; 24/7
City of Atlanta – Old Adamsville 3404 Delmar Ln NW, Atlanta, GA 30331 100 men, 35 women, 10 families 32 degrees and below; entry at 6 pm

Shelter and outreach partners include:

Gateway Center, Salvation Army, Solomon’s Temple, Atlanta Mission, Action Ministries, City of Refuge, City Baptist Rescue Mission, Donna Center, Covenant House, Georgia Works, Intown Collaborative Ministries, HOPE Atlanta, and Fulton County.

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